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www.kayan.ru - Ценовая ситуация на рынке недвижимости Краснодара - Как правильно давать деньги в долг, чтобы их не потерять - Преимущества эксклюзивного договора с агентством недвижимости - Как продать недвижимость и не попасть в сети мошенников Длительность: 9:39
Скриншоты к видео Новости недвижимости Краснодара от 6.11.2010 от ЖЦ КАЯН
BEXEL Consulting offers a complete and unique set of project management services in each phase and segment of building life cycle. Our main vision and motto is providing our clients total control over the project at hand from every imaginable aspect so as to drive each specific project as smoothly and simply as possible, with significantly reduced costs & risks and effectively build cheaper, faster and smarter. We possess human and technological resources which yield a powerful combination of experience, expertise and processing power, ready to step on board the project from the get go and see it through or step in once called upon to serve a specific need. We internally implement state of the art processes and technology in every aspect of project development -- from initial programming & budgeting, design authoring and management, overall cost estimating and scheduling, to actual construction management and, finally, operation and asset management. Our main goal & mission is to take full responsibility for the quality of project design and construction and relieve our clients as much as possible by offering the best available project management solutions. We are currently providing Virtual Design & Construction and traditional project management services on more than 1000000m Длительность: 8:01