This demo shows functional abilties of interactive VR applications for Real Estate, combined with state-of-the-art hardware - Developed with 3DSolutions Длительность: 6:59
Manna Worldwide and imap raise funds to complete another transition home in Kiev to give streetkids and orphans an alternative to a life of drugs, prostitution and hopelessness. Длительность: 4:47
The Talk: We are witness to an underground creative community forming on the Internet, and they are becoming a force to be reckoned with. They're writers and inventors, photographers and designers, musicians and marketers. And there are sites where they can share their work with the world - from Wikipedia and Dell Idea Storm to iStockPhoto and Threadless. The establishment has long held that these 'amateurs' - students and stay-at-home moms, freelancers and fed-up corporate refugees - are nothing more than a novelty and are not capable of competing with the 'professionals.' But this experiment in worldwide empowerment called the Internet has brought them together and the tide is turning. They come from every corner of the globe and every walk of life; their talent and creativity have been proven and now they are actively engaged in creating the world of tomorrow - they just need the tools that let them do it. The tension evident between this growing creative movement and centuries of tradition will disrupt and define the creative industries for years to come Bios: Ross Kimbarovsky is an experienced intellectual property lawyer with more than thirteen years of experience counseling US and international clients in complex disputes involving a wide range of intellectual property issues, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, designs, licensing and e-commerce. He has represented clients in state and federal courts and before the World Intellectual Property Organization <b>...</b> Длительность: 13:54
Скриншоты к видео Ross Kimbarovsky and Mike Samson, crowdSPRING, Beware the Underdog
PLEASE READ- According to Crytek, the trailer features both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 footage. The video is meant as a tech demo only, so the fact that it features nanosuit-clad soldiers from Crysis running around doesn't necessarily mean anything concrete. It could just be that Crytek recycled some of its existing assets. No titles have been officially announced that will be built on CryENGINE 3 as of yet. EXPECTED RELEASE DATE 2012 US, March 23, 2009 - Crytek, the developer of Far Cry and Crysis, announced earlier this month that its in-development multiplatform game engine CryENGINE 3 would be shown off for the first time at Game Developers Conference 2009. Now it's GDC week and we've got an exclusive sneak peek at Crytek's CryENGINE 3 trailer. US, March 11, 2009 - Frankfurt a. M. (Germany), March 11th 2009 - Crytek GmbH ("Crytek") is excited to announce that they will introduce their latest all-in-one game development solution CryENGINE 3, at this year's GDC Expo (March 25th 27th) in San Francisco. CryENGINE 3 is the first development platform for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, MMO, DX9/DX10 that also is truly Next-Gen-Ready - with scalable computation and graphics for all major upcoming platforms. It provides the complete game engine to create AAA quality next generation games, and includes the CryENGINE 3 Sandbox level editor, a production-proven, 3rd generation "What you see is what you play" (WYSIWYP) - tool designed by and for professional developers. CryENGINE 3 <b>...</b> Длительность: 2:55
Видеопортал видеоролики о ресторанах, ночных клубах, бутиках, недвижимости, автосалонах, спортклубах и салонах красоты Киева, видео интервью с известными личностями Здравствуйте, продвинутые пользователи глобальной сети Интернет! Я Михаил Цветаев автор абсолютно нового в широтах СНГ видео-портала PROMOTV.COM.UA Этот инновационый коммерческий проект открывает широкие возможности информационного доступа к наиболее перспективным и новаторским бизнесам нашей географии. На нашем сайте в любое время суток 365 дней в году Вы сможете быстро и результативно найти необходимую информацию о том, где и что вкусно съесть и выпить, купить и заказать, посетить и забронировать. Владельцам бизнесов, маркетинг-директорам и менеджерам по рекламе наш проект поможет эффективно и на постоянной основе представлять платежеспособной целевой аудитории свои продукты и услуги, ключевых личностей и новости отраслей. Мы обеспечиваем полный спектр услуг в сфере видео-production. Это значит, что ваш видеоролик будет профессионально снят, креативно смонтирован и озвучен. Гости нашего сайта увидят ваше видео уже через день после съемки. 1.По статистике 70% трафика Интернет приходится именно на видео трафик. 2.Видео маркетинг один из самых успешных методов on-line маркетинга. 3.Видео маркетинг самый быстрорастущий вид рекламы в интернет. 4.Около 86% пользователей Интернет ежедневно просматривают on-line видео. 5. Более 60% пользователей Интернет, просматривающих видео, проявляют <b>...</b> Длительность: 1:23
Скриншоты к видео Михаил Цветаев. Презентация видеопортала